miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

junio-13-17 2011

1- Do you have computer? Yes I do have computer
2.- What computer accesorios do you have? printed, scane, keybord, mouse, monitor, cpu
3.-which do you like to have? I like have the laptop
4.- where can you get the leades information and computer and electronics products? I can information in the intrenet o in the USA
5.- computer acesories software, picture, video, audio, appliaces, entretenement, brands? yes, my computer have all acesories
6.-what computer brand do you recommend? I recommed Hp, lanix
7.-do you now what is troubleshot? virus
8.-do you now what are computer commans? alt+64=@, delete, copy, pase etc.
9.-please discrive do you computer? is blak have monitor, cpu, printe, mouse is hp
10.-are computer addict?no I not addict
11.-what do you thing but internet? yes
12.-what can a problem have you had what internet? no I not have problem

hp-6-10 2011

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011



It is located in Mexico City on avenida Paseo de la Reforma and Calzada Gandhi in colonia Chapultepec Polanco. The nearest subway atations are auditorio and Chapultepe. The museo nacional the  Anthropogia open on 1971, in a fine new building design by arquitect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. The ground floor focuses on the native cultures and sociaty of Mexico. The famous Aztec sun stone is only a small part of the fantastic collection of artwork from the indigenous population of Mexico. It is in room seven (sala mexica) of the museum.It was discovered buried beneath the zocalo in 1790, it was originally thought to be a calender and for a brieftima, a sacrifical altar. In the stone's center is the sun god tonatiuh. The Aztecz believed that prior to there existence the world had gone throught four periods("suns") of creation and destruction. The ring arounmd the panels is filled with sumbols representing the tweenty days of the Aztecs month. finally two snakes form an outer ring and point toa date 1011A.D. when the fifth sun ( the Aztecs current world) was created.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

hw-4-8 - april-2011

1.-These are two people who sit and two people discuss the selection of colors and include red and uni are clearer and so are until they get to a color that disagree with them.

2.-The second is that sad that maria and is talking with a friend who loves to encourage and teach him how to laugh to cheer her up but she was not home that gives you a chocolate and gets happy with the way the person is happy.

3.-Talk about the personality of each person and each family feels small or large it feels to be the last, the first or the last as they feel as parents try.


what the book is easy it is to choose different brackets and try to give the correct answer


The video is an Ellison Brook person who suffered an accident at age 11 and was paralyzed life for a person with disability is not easy and she managed to get ahead with efforts and apollo bune. in that situation I do not know what the truth aria ubiera think they wanted to die but there may opportunities and succeed as she did

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011




Introverted people enjoy being alone, do not need anyone to have fun and run away from large gatherings. Let's see what are the most typical characteristics of introverts and what are its positive qualities and more negative.


An outgoing person is one who is very expressive in everything he does, especially in regard to how they relate to others. The word extrovert just refers to the ability to get inside of an all you think or feel to make it public and thus communicate more with the outside or around us.


I am the third and last of the family I feel comfortable because I was treated like an my other brothers and hey had no prblem with them and although I am 4 years enormous hat my sister had a good time.


because my friend javier is easygoing save properly treat people is very friendly and have respect for people who never tried ah but it also has its bad times and has a genius but if you try being good saves.


domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011



part 1
A family is going to eat chiken salad and a lot of vegetables and baken potatoes and bod don´t want to eat because is in a diet and he don´t want to est vegetables only bob want eat how a family and don´t want stay a diet.

part 2
Then they are eating sweet cookies but not to bod because of his diet but bob stole the cookies but her family knows that bob take the cookies and he return the cookies bob not have eat cookies because is sick.